
Optimal Weight Program


14.500,00 AED

Regulate your metabolism in a healthy and lasting way.

Package Inclusions

  • Consultation
    General health examination & consultation with a functional medicine expert in natural weight loss at the beginning and at the end of the program.
  • Clinical Analysis
    Healthy Metabolic Biological Profile with key parameters, including Complete Blood Count (CBC), Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT), Insulin Resistance Test (IRT), Lipid Profile, Electrolytes, Magnesium, Thyroid Function Tests, Liver Function Tests, Kidney Function Tests, Hormones Panel (Testosterone, Estradiol, Progesterone & DHEA), Adiponectin, Leptin, Ghrelin, Inflammatory Markers, Vitamin D & Urine Analysis.
  • IV Therapy 
  • Other Specialized Tests
    Cortisol Test
    Dutch Test with Cortisol
  • DNA Tests
    DNA Test – Diet
    DNA Test – Sport

    DNA Test – Resilience
  • Treatment Plans:
    Following the results from the screening package, we will advise a holistic treatment program in the follow-up consultation, which may encompass some or a combination of the following:

Medical treatment plans
Nutritional Guidance
Natural therapies & supplementation
Recommendations for physical exercise.
Lifestyle recommendations,.


Difficulty maintaining or achieving an ideal body weight is an increasingly common complaint.

We are led to believe that a healthy weight is a simple case of calories in vs. calories out and exercise. However, even when we seem to be doing everything right on paper, sometimes the kilos just won’t budge.

With functional medicine we strive to find the root cause of why you are having difficulty achieving ideal weight. Our genes are involved in regulation of energy expenditure, appetite and fat metabolism, all of which play an important role in weight regulation.

In fact 40% to 80% of the variance in body weight is due to genetic factors. This helps to explain why not everyone gains or loses weight while following the same diet.

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