

Doctor Photos 450x45015
Doctor Photos 450x45015

Dr. Amna Butt

Languages: English, Punjabi, Urdu


  • With an illustrious career spanning over 15 years, Dr. Amna Butt family medicine consultant, Drawing from her extensive experience, Dr. Amna has honed her expertise in providing comprehensive healthcare solutions to patients across a diverse spectrum of medical needs. Her journey has been marked by a significant contribution to healthcare excellence in both the United Kingdom and beyond
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  • Having dedicated a substantial portion of her professional journey to the esteemed NHS healthcare landscape, Dr. Amna Butt has established herself as a respected figure within the medical community. Her affiliations with prominent institutions including Tower Spring Lane Surgery, Royal Bolton Hospital, and North Manchester General Hospital underscore her commitment to delivering top-tier medical care to her patients
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  • Dr. Amna's specialized focus lies in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic conditions that profoundly impact patients' lives. From hypertension to asthma, COPD to diabetes, and thyroid disorders, she possesses a profound understanding of these conditions and their management, ensuring that her patients receive the best possible care and guidance
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  • Moreover, Dr. Amna's expertise extends to addressing minor health concerns that are equally significant in their impact on daily lives. From headaches to rashes, UTIs to anemia, her compassionate approach and attention to detail ensure that even the most seemingly trivial health issues receive the dedicated care they deserve
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  • Dr. Amna Butt's commitment to patient well-being, coupled with her extensive clinical acumen, positions her as a trusted partner in health for individuals and families alike. Her dedication to excellence, evidenced by her clinical contributions and affiliations, makes her a highly regarded figure in the realm of family medicine
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  • As a specialist consultant, Dr. Amna Butt continues to uplift the standards of healthcare, embodying a passion for holistic well-being and an unwavering commitment to the betterment of her patients' lives


  • • MBBS
  • • MRCGP (London)
  • • DRCOG (London)


  • • Providing support and guidance to manage and alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression
  • • Guiding individuals in reframing negative thoughts and developing healthier perspectives
  • • Guiding patients through relaxation exercises, deep breathing, and meditation for stress reduction
  • • Recommending lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, and balanced nutrition, to support mental well-being
  • • Helping individuals recognize triggers for stress, anxiety, and depression


  • • Addressing women's health concerns and providing general gynecological care
  • • Recommending calcium-rich diets, weight-bearing exercises, and bone density screenings
  • • Conducting breast examinations and educating patients about breast health and self-examination techniques
  • • Educating women about the importance of bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis
  • • Offering services such as ring pessary fitting and cancer screening.
  • • Offering postnatal care to ensure a smooth recovery for both mother and baby


  • • Providing weight loss strategies and personalized plans
  • • Offering guidance on adopting healthy lifestyles to enhance overall well-being
  • • Educating individuals about the importance of immunizations and vaccination schedules


  • • Conducting comprehensive health screenings for men and women to detect potential issues
  • • Assessing vital signs, conducting physical examinations, and identifying risk factors
  • • Tailoring screening protocols based on age, gender, and individual health history


  • • Diagnosing and managing common acute health issues, including headaches, rashes, UTIs, acne, back pain, and anemia
  • • Providing prompt relief and appropriate treatments for minor ailments


  • • Offering specialized care for chronic conditions such as hypertension, asthma, COPD, diabetes, and thyroid diseases
  • • Developing personalized treatment plans to manage symptoms and improve quality of life


  • • Conducting thorough medical assessments for individuals entering the workforce
  • • Ensuring candidates meet health standards required for specific job roles


Currently we accept:

    • Platinum
    • Gold
    • Silver
  • Al Buhaira Insurance
    • CN
    • CN+
  • Almadallah Healthcare
    • GN Plus
    • GN
    • RN
  • Amity
    • CN
    • GN
  • GIG (AXA)
    • Diamond
    • Star
    • Starplus
    • Star Seha
    • AXA 1
    • AXA 2
    • AXA 3
    • AXA 4
  • Daman
    • NW1
    • NW2
    • NW5
  • Dubai Insurance
    • N1 (Only)
  • Mednet
    • Gold
    • Silver Premium
    • Silver Classic (Dental Under Re-imbursement)
  • MetLife
    • VIP
    • Gold
    • Silver
  • MSH International
    • Platinum
    • CN
  • NAS
    • EN
    • CN
    • GN
  • Neuron
    • Comprehensive
    • GN
    • GN+
  • Nextcare
    • GN
    • GN PLUS
    • Orient Allianz
  • NGI
    • HN Exclusive network
  • Now Health International
    • Simple Care
    • World Care
    • Gold
    • Amber
    • Bronze
  • Wapmed TPA
    • CN +
    • & CN
  • Whealth International
    • Platinum
    • Diamond
    • Ruby
  • Cigna Insurance
    • CN
    • GN
    • GN Plus

For your convenience, we accept most insurances. While every effort is made to keep this list current, changes to insurance products do occur frequently. Always check with your insurance company to make sure that your care will be covered.

In cases where direct settlement facility is not available, we will assist you with the documentation for submitting reimbursements claims.

If you have questions about coverage, please contact us on +971 4 315 0555 and we’ll be happy to help!


Umm Suqiem 1, Jumeirah Beach Road
Adjacent Kite Beach
Dubai, UAE
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